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Snape Chat steals the feature of Animated Stickers from Instagram
Snape Chat steals the feature of Animated Stickers from Instagram

Snap has developed a number of new features for its service, and it was common for Facebook to steal the benefits from Snape Chat, but this time Snap Shat stole an Instagram feature and added it to its application, Located in the GIPHY service.

According to the Indian site fonearena, the new update provided Snape Chat to place friends stories, exploration and group conversations on separate tabs, making it easy for users to access each of these services individually and easily. The update also allows users to display friendships with active stories and group chats in One tab, plus a number of other features.

Users can take advantage of the new stickers feature by clicking on their icon from the image editing screen and then clicking to search for a list of animated stickers from the GIPHY service. The user can then choose them, move them and place them wherever they wish. Features for Android users and iPhone gradually in the coming period.


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